The World's Passports, How Many You Knew

November 11,2016 Editor:AT0086|

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The world's passports, how many you knew?

Some people might say: just read on the cover page, you will know it belongs to which country.

However, by putting them together, how many you can recognize?

           American Passport                             Chinese                                Canada 

                   Norway                                        Japan and Korea                         Australian Passport


                Ethiopian                              Zimbabwe                                Rwanda                                 Ghana 

How many different colors in Passport?

Passport around the world mainly have red, blue, green and black 4 colors:

1. The Blue:

Caribbean countries generally use blue passport, customs union, such as Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay is also predominantly blueblob.png

2. The Red:

Mainly use by EU Member States or the one want to join the European Union Countries, such as Turkey recently took the passport to red. Moreover, in the past European colonial or semi-colonial in Asia also most use red passport, such as China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, etc.

3. The Green:

Muslim country passport basically is green, because of the color of the green is very important for Islam. The economic community of West African states is also a green passport, fuzzy sovereign state also adopt green passport, such as South Korea, north Korea and Taiwan.

4. The Black:

The black color passport only in Botswana, Zambia and New Zealand few countries.And the reason New Zealand pick up black as the passport color is based on its national color is black.

You might never see it coming:

Even you feel that you knew everything about passport, still, there might be something you might never see: Lets put American Passport under the UV lamp

By putting the passport page under the UV lamp, it can be a great different.

Norway Passport under the UV lamp:

Chinese Passport under the UV lamp:

Related Links about the World Visas:

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