Wudang Mountain in Hubei--- The Mountain of Taoism

23,2007 Editor:at0086| Resource:AT0086.com

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Wudang Mountain is renowned as Immortals' Mountain of Taoism and the World for Swordsman. It is a famous Taoist center in China with a long history of Taoist practice and a profound Taoist culture. It is also well-known for its deep-rooted tradition of wushu (martial arts). As an old saying goes: "Shaolin wushu is the best in the north, while Wudang wushu is the best in the south."
Major scenic spots include 72 peaks, 36 rocky cliffs, and 24 streams. Tianzhu Peak, its highest point, creates a striking view of "One Pole Supporting the Sky." Clustered around it are numerous smaller ones, composing a fantastic picture of 72 peaks paying homage to the main one.
Located in Shiyan in western Hubei, it is both a famous scenic spot and the Taoist Holy Land in China. The ancient architectural complex on the mountain was listed by UNESCO in 1994 as a World Culture Heritage Site. And the best time for visitors to there is spring and summer.
The extensive construction on
Wudang Mountain was carried out when Emperor Zhu of the Ming Dynasty was making great efforts to expand external contacts and promote Taoism in the country. He intended to consolidate his rule by instilling into his subordinates the idea that the imperial power is endowed by Heaven. Therefore, these Taoist buildings are of great significance for the study of the history and religious belief of that period.
Zixiao Palace (Purple Sky Palace)
Zixiao Palace, located on Tianzhu Peak of Wudang Mountain, was built in the year of 1413. It is the best-preserved existing palace on the mountain. The main attractions in the palace are the Dragon and Tiger Hall, the Purple Sky Hall, the East Hall, the West Hall and the Prince Cliff.
Nanyan (South Rock Palace)
Nanyan is known as the most spectacular spot of the 36 scenic places in Wudang Mountain. It was as early as the Tang and Song Dynasty (618-1279) that Taoist priests practiced Taoism here and built Taoist temples for worshiping. Historical records show there were more than 600 buildings in Nanyan.
Jindian (Golden Palace Hall)
On top of the Tianzhu Peak of Wudang Mountain is Jindian, meaning Golden Palace. The hall was built in 1416 and it is 5.54 meters in height, 4.4 meters in width and 3.15 meters in depth. The hall is a complete gilded bronze structure. After more than 500 years standing, it still glitters under the sun as new to become one of the wonders of Chinese ancient architecture.

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