Top 200 Well-known Scenic Spots You can't Miss for Your Trip to China

23,2009 Editor:|

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The 2008 Beijing Olympic Game let the world see a brand new China, meanwhile, more and more overseas tourists have attracted by the various natural and human landscapes through ages of Chinese history. To those who are eager to know China, the following 200 well-known scenic spots will be a must-see.
The 2008 Beijing Olympic Game let the world see a brand new China, meanwhile, more and more overseas tourists have been attracted by the various natural and human landscapes through ages of Chinese history. To those who are eager to know China, they should never miss the following 200 well-known scenic spots in China.

1 The Great Wall 长城 
2 Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 故宫 
3 Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼 
4 Summer Palace 颐和园 
5 Temple of Heaven 天坛 
6 Beijing's Hutong 北京胡同 
7 Fragrant Hills Park 香山 
8 Liulichang Culture Street 琉璃厂文化街 
9 Museum of Qin Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 
10 Big Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔 
11 Bell Tower and Drum Tower 钟鼓楼 
12 Mausoleum of Qinshihuang 秦始皇陵墓 
13 Nanjing Road 南京路 
14 Li River 漓江 
15 Jade Buddha Temple 玉佛禅寺 
16 Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆 
17 Zhujiajiao朱家角 
18 Yangshuo 阳朔 
19 Potala Palace 布达拉宫 
20 Chanbaling Monastery 强巴林寺 
21 Barkhor Street 八廊街 
22 Heaveny Lake Namtso 纳木措湖 
23 Mount Everest 珠穆朗玛峰 
24 Seven Star Park 七星公园 
25 Lijiang Ancient Town 丽江古镇 
26 Dali 大理 
27 Dianchi Lake 滇池湖 
28 Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山 
29 Yunnan Ethnic Village 云南民族村 
30 Xishuangbanna 西双版纳 
31 West Lake 西湖 
32 Wuzhen 乌镇 
33 Thousand Islets Lakes 千岛湖 
34 Lingyin Temple 灵隐寺 
35 Mt. Putuoshan 普陀山 
36 Humble Administrator's Garden 拙政园 
37 Panmen Gate 盘门 
38 Tongli Town 同里镇 
39 Zhouzhuang周庄 
40 Huaqing Hot Spring 华清池 
41 Three Gorges Dam Project 三峡工程 
42 Shennong Stream 神农溪 
43 White Emperor City 白帝城 
44 Anchang 安昌 
45 Guangfu 光福 
46 Towers at Gaoyi's Tomb 高颐墓阕 
47 Jichang Garden寄畅园 
48 Luzhi 甪直 
49 Prince Gong's Palace (Gongwangfu) 恭王府 
50 Likeng Village李坑 
51 Jigong Mountain 鸡公山 
52 Nanxun 南浔 
53 Hongcun Chengzhitang宏村承志堂 
54 Fisherman's Garden网师园 
55 Temple of Confucius孔庙 
56 Kangbaiwan's Mansions康百万庄园 
57 Laoshan Mountain崂山 
58 Summer Palace颐和园 
59 The Qiao Family Grand Courtyard乔家大院 
60 Yuyuan Garden豫园 
61 Longhu Mountain龙虎山 
62 Qingcheng Mountain青城山 
63 Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve长白山自然保护区 
64 Shenyang Imperial Palace沈阳故宫 
65 The Lama Temple雍和宫 
66 Dongting Lake Nature Reserve洞庭湖自然保护区 
67 Sand Lake Scenic Resort宁夏沙湖自然保护区 
68 Yuntaishan Mountain云台山 
69 Changdao Nature Reserve山东长岛自然保护区 
70 Furongzhen芙蓉镇 
71 Shangchuan Macaque Nature Reserve上川岛猕猴省级自然保护区 
72 Jingdezhen景德镇 
73 Shengjin Lake Nature Reserve升金湖自然保护区 
74 Mudu 木渎 
75 Birds' Paradise小鸟天堂 
76 Yancheng National Natural Reserve盐城丹顶鹤自然保护区 
77 Shaoxing Ancient Town绍兴古镇 
78 Genghis Khan Mausoleum成吉思汗陵 
79 Xitang 西塘 
80 Zhuxianzhen朱仙镇 
81 Emei Shan峨眉山 
82 Geyuan Garden个园 
83 Mount Huangshan黄山 
84 Ancient Lotus Pool古莲花池 
85 Ar Mountain阿尔山 
86 The Mausoleum of Yellow Emperor (Huangdi)黄帝陵 
87 Song Mountain嵩山 
88 Lingering Garden(Liuyuan)留园 
89 Erlong Mountain二龙山 
90 Mountain Lushan庐山 
91 Phoenix Town凤凰古城 
92 Ming Tombs明十三陵 
93 Qiyuan Garden绮园 
94 Mogan Mountain莫干山 
95 Mountain Tai泰山 
96 Tian Shan天山 
97 East Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty清东陵 
98 Mountain Wutai五台山 
99 Wuyuan Town婺源 
100 Qinghui Garden清晖园 
101 Wudang Mountain武当山 
102 West Mausoleum of the Qing Dynasty清西陵 
103 Xiling Snow Mountain西岭雪山 
104 Mausoleum of Wanyan Aguda金太祖陵 
105 Mountain Changbaishan长白山 
106 Greater Higgnan Mountains大兴安岭 
107 Gongga Mountain贡嘎山 
108 Qianling Mausoleum乾陵 
109 Mountain Heng恒山 
110 Confucian Cemetery孔林 
111 Mt. Heng 衡山 
112 Mausolem of Zheng Chenggong郑成功陵 
113 Mausoleum of Dr.Sun Yat Sen中山陵 
114 Guangdong Conghua Hot Spring Resort广东从化温泉度假区 
115 Jiuhua Spa & Resort九华山庄 
116 Imperial Summer Villa of Chengde承德避暑山庄 
117 Beidaihe Bird Nature Reserve北戴河鸟类自然保护区 
118 Small Wutai Mountain小五台山 
119 Monkey Island海南猕猴自然保护区 
120 Henan Museum河南博物馆 
121 Dragon and Tiger Mountain (Longhu Mountain) Natural Reserve 龙虎山自然保护区 
122 Poyang Lake Migratory Bird Protection Area 鄱阳湖候鸟保护区 
123 Rongcheng Swan Lake Holiday Resort 荣成大天鹅国家级保护区 
124 Tarim Huyang (Poplar Forest) Nature Reserve 塔里木胡杨林自然保护区 
125 Wolong Nature Reserve 卧龙自然保护区 
126 Wuyi Mountain Scenic Area 武夷山自然保护区 
127 Hua Mountain华山 
128 Mountain Putuoshan普陀山 
129 Kunlun Mountain昆仑山 
130 Meili Snow Mountains梅里雪山 
131 Pingyao 平遥 
132 The National Museum of China中国国家博物馆 
133 Liaoning Provincial Museum辽宁省博物馆 
134 Shaanxi History Museum陕西历史博物馆 
135 Chenghuang Temple城隍阁 
136 Grand View Tower大观楼 
137 Guanque Tower鹳雀楼 
138 Niujie (Ox Street) Mosque北京牛街清真寺 
139 Jiaxiu Tower甲秀楼 
140 Taibai Tower太白楼 
141 Tengwang Pavilion腾王阁 
142 Eight Outer Temples外八庙 
143 Wangjiang Tower望江楼 
144 Jinshan Temple金山寺 
145 Yanyu Tower烟雨楼 
146 Tongxin Mosque宁夏同心清真寺 
147 Yueyang Pavilion岳阳楼 
148 Zhenhai Tower镇海楼 
149 Great Mosque西安化觉巷清真寺 
150 Dongguan Giant Mosque西宁东关清真大寺 
151 Id Kah Mosque新疆艾提尕清真寺 
152 Hanging Temple悬空寺 
153 Bakhor Street八角街 
154 White Horse Temple白马寺 
155 Beijing Antique City北京古玩城 
156 Daozhao Temple大昭寺 
157 Guyi Street估衣街 
158 Huaihai Road Shopping Street淮海路购物街 
159 Daxiangguo Temple大相国寺 
160 Famen Temple法门寺 
161 Panjiayuan Folk Culture Market潘家园旧货市场 
162 Guandi Temple关帝寺 
163 Shuyuanmen Ancient Cultural Street书院门文化商业街 
164 Zhongyue Temple中岳寺 
165 Wangfujing Street王府井大街 
166 Upper Lascar Row香港摩罗街 
167 Jin Ancestral Temple晋祠 
168 Zhuangyuan Fang Commercial Street状元坊 
169 Labuleng Temple拉卜楞寺 
170 Macau Fisherman's Wharf澳门渔人码头 
171 China Nationalities Museum (the Chinese thnic Culture Park)北京中华民族园 
172 Zhangjiajie张家界 
173 Shaolin Temple少林寺 
174 Anyang Yin Ruins安阳遗址 
175 Hulun Buir Prairie呼伦贝尔草原 
176 Ta'er Temple塔尔寺 
177 The Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian 周口店猿人遗址 
178 Banpo Site半坡遗址 
179 Tang Paradise西安大唐芙蓉园 
180 Epang Palace Site阿房宫遗址 
181 Dujiangyan irrigation project都江堰 
182 The Mogao Grottoes敦煌莫高窟 
183 Nalati (Yili) Grassland伊犁草原 
184 Fengning Grassland丰宁坝上草原 
185 Zhejiang Hengdian World Studios浙江横店影视城 
186 Yungang Grottoes云冈石窟 
187 Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area黄龙风景区 
188 Longmen Grottoes龙门石窟 
189 Dazu Rock Carvings大足石刻 
190 Jiuzhaigou九寨沟 
191 Chunxi Road Shopping Belt 春熙路步行街 
192 Kangxi grassland康西草原 
193 Jianghan Road Walking Street 江汉路步行街 
194 Inner Mongolia Grassland内蒙古大草原 
195 Shenzhen Window of the World深圳世界之窗 
196 Shenzhen Splendid China Folk Culture Village 深圳锦绣中华民俗文化村 
197 Wuhan Mulan grassland武汉木兰草原 
198 Shenzhen Happy Valley深圳欢乐谷 
199 Beijing Olympic Park北京奥林匹克公园 
200 Kunming's World Horti-Expo Garden昆明世界园艺博览园 

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