Six Essential Things to Decide before Learning Chinese Painting

23,2007 Editor:at0086|

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Although there are great difference between Chinese painting and other types of painting, sometimes planning a painting can be the similar. Planning a painting can be as help as you know exactly what you're going to do, thus you will got the right direction.
Although there are great differences between Chinese painting and other types of painting, sometimes planning a painting can be the similar. Planning a painting can be as help as you know exactly what you're going to do, thus you will got the right direction.
Regardless of how detailed you like to plan (or not), there are several decisions that have to be made before you to start to paint.
Decide on a subject
Deciding on a subject is the logical first step as it influences the format of the support, the type of support used, and the technique you're going to use to create the painting.
If you've only a vague idea of what to do with an appealing subject, such as a glorious landscape, sketching or doing small studies rather than a full painting will enable you to see whether the composition and selection of elements works well without wasting time or materials.
Decide on the format
Having decided on a subject, you need to decide what the best format for the support is, whether it should be landscape or portrait, or perhaps square. What shape of the canvas will best suit the subject matter? For example, a very long and thin canvas used in adds a sense of drama to a landscape, especially one of a wide-open space.
Decide on the size
The size the support will be should also be a conscious decision. A painting shouldn't be a particular size simply because that's the size of the sheet of paper you have.
Decide on a medium and technique
If you only ever use one medium then you don't have to decide which one you think is best for this particular subject. But what about the technique you're going to use? For example, if you use acrylics, are you going to use them thickly or thinly?
Decide on the type of support
Are you going to paint on canvas, primed hardboard, or paper? Will it be a canvas with a fine weave, such as linen, or a coarse weave that will show through? Will it be a smooth, hot-pressed paper or a rougher watercolor paper? This is a decision that not only influences the texture of the final work, but also how you work.
Decide on colors
Are you going to use color realistically or not? Are you going to use whatever colors you've got or select out a few to make up a palette just for that painting? Working with a limited range of colors can contribute to a sense of unity in a painting and great a sense of identify or unity between paintings.

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