Top 10 Most Famous Calligraphers in China's History

October 08,2008 Editor:May|

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As an important of China's ancient cultural heritage, Chinese calligraphy is extensive and profound. Practicing calligraphy can cultivate people's sentiment, and improve people's aesthetic taste. If you are interested in Chinese calligraphy, it is necessary to know the most famous calligraphers in China's history.
As an important of China's ancient cultural heritage, Chinese calligraphy is extensive and profound. Practicing calligraphy can cultivate people's sentiment, and improve people's aesthetic taste. If you are interested in Chinese calligraphy, it is necessary to know the most famous calligraphers in China's history.
1. Wang Xizhi
Being called as "Sage of Calligraphy" by the later generation, Wang Xizhi is a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. His representative works are as following: regular script "Huangtingjing", cursive "Seventeen Tie", running script "Tie Aunt" and regular and running script "Orchid Pavilion Preface ".
2. Ou Yangxun
Born in Changsha, Hunan, Ou Yangxun is one of the four best regular script calligraphers. He was the best calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. The later generations find his calligraphy is canonical, easier to learn by the beginners, and his calligraphy form is called "Ou Form".
3. Yan Zhenqing
He was an outstanding Chinese calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, a great patriot. His representative works are "Wuxing Set", "Luzhou Set" and "linchuan Set". Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy form was called " Yan form", Liu Gongquan and he are called "Yan Liu", their calligraphy are called "Yan's tendon and Liu's bone".
4. Huai Su
He was also a Chinese calligrapher in Tang Dynasty, born in Lingling, Hunan province. His script was called "Rabid cursive script", with the strong vigor of the strokes, complete in one go, enjoys the same reputation with Zhangxu. People called their calligraphy "Maniac Zhang and Rabid Su".
5. Liugongquan
The vigor of his calligraphy is strong and the regulation is strict and serious. The character's characteristic is famous for its powerful strokes. The running script and regular script are deeply versed by Liugongquan. Because of the unique characteristic of his calligraphy, people called "Liu form".
6. Sushi
Sushi was a famous calligrapher, painter, essayist and poet in Northern Song Dynasty; he was really a literary and artistic genius in China's history. Sushi is good at running script and regular script.
7. Huang Tingjian
Being predominantly known as a calligrapher, he was also admired for his painting and poetry. He was one of the four masters of the Song Dynasty. His xingshu displays a sharpness and aggression which is instantly recognizable to the student of Chinese calligraphy.
8. Mi Fu
As a famous calligrapher, painter and calligraphy theorist in Northern Song Dynasty, he was one of the "four great calligraphists" in Song Dynasty" in China's history.
9. Zhao Mengfu
Living in Song Dynasty, He was good at all the script, and famous for running script and regular script. The style of his calligraphy is elegant and vigorous with strict structure, people called "Zhao Form", and he was also one of the "Four Great Regular Script Masters".
10. Dong Qichang
Dong Qichang got high achievement of calligraphy, with the highest attainments of cursive script. His calligraphy style combined the calligraphy characteristics of Jin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty together, created his own form.

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