On Sept 28th 2012, the Chinese Directors of the Confucius Institute of the State of Washington visited the new guest Chinese teachers in Longview School District in the State of Washington.
On Sept 28th 2012, the Chinese Directors of the Confucius Institute of the State of Washington visited the new guest Chinese teachers in Longview School District in the State of Washington.
Longview School District started their Chinese program in two elementary schools and one high school this year. Due to the far distance from Seattle where the CIWA is located, the two guest Chinese teachers there could not conveniently attend any workshops or meetings held by CIWA since they arrived in Washington in August. On September 28th, just two days before the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, Tang Changping and Deng Bo representing CIWA visited Wei Wen at Northlake Elementary school and Yang Zhiyue at R.A. Long High School in their classes and expressed welcome and greetings to them. The Directors and teachers also celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival together with the students in class sharing the moon cakes CIWA bought for them. The teachers were very much touched by the care and support from CIWA and all the students cheered with joy at the sight of moon cakes. While tasting and experiencing moon cakes, students felt the Chinese culture in a more personal and relevant way. Hopefully this will increase their interest and motivation in learning Chinese language and culture. The two Chinese Directors observed Wei Wen demonstrating to the elementary students the different ways that Chinese people celebrate the festival, while the high school students in Yang Zhiyue’s class proudly presented their own projects on the study of the origin of and the legends related to Mid-autumn Festival.