Why do I choose them to study pharmacy

29,2015 Editor:AT0086.com| Resource:AT0086.com

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University: Xi’an Jiao tong University

Course: pharmacy

Degree: bachelor

Teaching Language: English

Start date: September 2015

Tuition fee: RMB40000/Y


Application fee: RMB500(87USD)


Xi'an Jiao tong University, is located in the ancient city Xi'an. With a history of more than one hundred years, this university also ranks top in the medicine field among China universities. And it has three affiliated hospitals attached to this school, so international students who apply for this university can get many internship chances, which is also very helpful and useful for their future career development. This university will contain 5 years in university and one year of practice in hospital.

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University:  HuaZhong University of Science and Technology

Major: pharmacy

Degree: bachelor’s degree

Teaching Language: English

Start date: September 2015

Tuition fee: RMB35000/Y


Application fee:RMB600(100USD)


1. One of the Top 10 universities in China and Known as China’s MIT.

Gained the rapidest development among China universities within 60years’ development and has been hailed as “The epitome of the development of China’s higher education”

2. Among the first Universities joining the national “211 Project” and “985 Project” initiated by the Central Government of China which aims at building some China high-ranking universities to be the world first-class universities.

3. Partnerships with more than 100 world renowned universities and research institutions in 26 countries;

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University: China Pharmaceutical University

Major: pharmacy

Tuition fee: RMB25000/y

Degree: bachelor’s degree

Teaching Language: English

Start date: September 2015

Duration: 4 years

Application fee: RMB400/USD70


CPU is located in Nanjing, the "ancient capital city of six dynasties" in China 

The largest pharmaceutical university in the world in terms of student number and one of the “211 project” key universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education.

Pharmacy program ranks No. 1 in China according to the latest official evaluation from the Ministry of Education of China and one of the top 200 universities in Asia according to Quacquarelli Symonds(one out of 47 in China).

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University: Shenyang Pharmaceutical University

Major: pharmacy

Tuition fee: RMB25000/y

Degree: bachelor’s degree

Teaching Language: English

Start date: September 2015

Duration: 4 years

Application fee: RMB500/USD87


Shenyang Pharmaceutical University (SPU) is a university with glorious, old-historical traditions that have brought it to prominence as one of the only two comprehensive pharmaceutical universities in all of China. At the University one can find a lively academic atmosphere and certain dynamism in scientific research. More than 3000 academic papers have been published by our academics in the fields of research.

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University: Henan University

Major: pharmacy

Tuition fee: RMB17600/y

Degree: bachelor’s degree

Teaching language: Chinese

Start date: September 2015

Duration: 4 years

Application fee: RMB500/USD87


Located in Kaifeng, a famous historic city which used to be the capital of China during seven different dynasties, Henan University, founded in 1912, was originally named as Preparatory School for Further Study in Europe and America. Stood together with Tsinghua Preparatory School for Further study in America (Tsinghua University) and Shanghai Nanyang Public School (Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Xi’an Jiao Tong University) as like the three legs of a tripod, Henan University was one of the three major schools to prepare students for overseas study.


And students are free to learn Chinese language, if you want to apply degree course in the university based on Chinese. 

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