Introduction of Chinese Medicated Diet

03,2007 Editor:at0086|

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Chinese diet is considered as the most popular and healthy diet in the world. It's famous by the balance nutrition and good taste. While the medicated diet is in the same way, and the function of the diet is more useful for the body.
Chinese diet is considered as the most popular and healthy diet in the world. It's famous by the balance nutrition and good taste. While the medicated diet is in the same way, and the function of the diet is more useful for the body.

Chinese medicated diet is not a simple combination of food and Chinese drugs, but a special highly finished diet made from Chinese drugs, food and condiments under the theoretical guidance of diet preparation based on differentiation of symptoms and signs of traditional Chinese medicine
Chinese medicated diet has begun to go abroad. Medicated cans, health-care drinks and medicated wine made from traditional Chinese medicine have been sold at the international market. Medicated diet dining- halls have been set up in some countries. Personnel of academic, industrial and commercial circles abroad have paid close attention to Chinese medited diet-a special food, hoping to develop academic exchanges and technical and economic cooperation in this respect. Chinese medicated diet will make contributions to the health of the people all over the world.
The characteristics of Chinese medicated diet are as follows:
Laying Stress on the Whole and Selecting Medicated Diet on the Basis of Differential Diagnosis
By " Laying Stress on the Whole and Selecting Medicated Diet on the Basis of Differential Diagnosis ", it means that when prescribing medicated diet, you should first make an overall analysis of the patient's physical and health condition, the nature of his illness, the season he got ill in and the geographical condition, etc, to form a judgment on the type of syndrome; then decide on corresponding principles for dietetic therapy and select suitable medicated diet.
Suitable for both Prevention and Treatment, and Outstanding in Effect
Medicated diet can be used either to treat diseases or for healthy people to build up their health and prevent diseases. This is one of the characteristics in which medicated diet is different from treatment by medicine. Although medicated diet is something mild, it has a notable effect on the prevention and cure of diseases, health building -up and health preserving.

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