Pre-arrival checklist


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Check each of these off when you have completed them. This will help you to see what else you have left to do and help you to identify and seek help for any areas which might be troubling you.



Have you
□ Confirmed any visa requirements that you may have?

□ Booked accommodation and made any necessary advanced payments?

□ Checked whether your country imposes any restrictions on taking money out of it?

□ Ensured that you have sufficient cash or travellers cheques to live for a week or more while you open a China bank account?

□ Checked restrictions on goods which can be brought into the UK?

□ Booked a seat on a university-provided coach or arranged alternative travel arrangements from an airport to the University?

□ Ensured you know the details of the University's orientation program for International students?

□ Ensured that your hand luggage contains your passport, acceptance letter, documents such as qualification certificates, accommodation confirmation email and money?

□ Arranged how you plan to communicate upon arrival in China?

□ Ensured you know who to contact in case of an emergency?

□ Arranged to bring any medication required as well as a doctor’s letter of explanation?

□ Obtained any relevant medical records, including vaccination certificates?

□ Arranged travel insurance for your property?

□ Arranged medical insurance if it applies to you?

□ Ensured you know your rights and responsibilities?

□ Budgeted for any family members accompanying you?

□ Made enquiries for school and nursery places if bringing children?

□ Checked the support website for further information on culture, food, shopping, banking, healthcare, employment and student life at China?

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