Top 4 Tips You Should Know for a Good Cruise on Yangtze River

October 08,2008 Editor:Kerry Lee|

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Being regarded as the ‘mother river” of Chinese people, Yangtze is very famous for its natural beauty. Having a cruise on it will give you another kind of enjoyment and let you feel the long history of China. The following tips will be useful for your enjoyment of this famous river.
1. Best cruise season
Due to different rules, there are four seasons on Yangtze. They are: High season and shoulder season, High water season and low water season.
Cruising along the Yangtze is available all the year. High season is around spring and autumn in April, May, June, September and October. The season division varies with different cruise lines. Cruise rates will drop down 30% of the original one in shoulder seasons or in winter.
2. Climate and clothing
With average temperatures reaching 30C in July and only 10C in January, spring and autumn are the best seasons for making the river cruises. Because of the tall mountains and gorges, the long and narrow valleys seldom get enough sunshine and feature strong wind, therefore the valley is humid and often shrouded in cloud and mist.
In different seasons, your wear will be different. Light jackets, jeans, T- shirts and lightweight windbreaker for springs and autumns, a light sweater for cooler days.
More cotton T-shirts alternatives, shorts for hot summers plus hats, sunglasses, suntan lotions Comforters, sweaters in winters, Comfortable walking shoes, sandals and sneakers will be Ok.
3. Price
One of the most attractive features of a cruise vacation is the price. Even more expensive cruises are a good value for the money. Costs of sole Yangtze River Cruises vary between 500 and 700 USD and if you choose a splendid Yangtze River tour with an extension to China's metropolitan cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Tibet, Xian or Guilin, the rates will reach between 1400 and 3000 USD. It depends on the cruise plan and standard you choose.
Cruise rates drop down 30% of the original one in shoulder seasons or in winter. Some Winter Specials is a good alternative to the crowded peak season in spring and autumn.
4. Money exchange and health
Generally Credit cards or on-board signature accounts are two alternatives to cash on a cruise ship. You can validate their on-board signature account with a major credit card such as Master Card, Federal Card, Visa, American Express, JCB and Diners Card. Guests can then sign all on-board services and purchases to their account. At the end of the cruise, you will receive a completely itemized statement and pay them when you check out just like what you do in most of China's hotels.
Before you go, make sure that you meet the physical standards of the cruise. Some examples of conditions which may limit your ability to take a cruise are:
Passengers requiring oxygen therapy must meet certain requirements before boarding the vessel.
Passengers entering their third trimester of pregnancy at the beginning of their cruise will not be accepted. 
Pets are not allowed to be taken aboard, so before your cruise, remember to take care of your pets.

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