Best 10 Cities for Your Living in China

December 17,2008 Editor:Peggy|

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Would you like to find the most comfortable living environment when you come to China? The following are recommended 10 best cities to live, which revive your family memories and bring enjoyable comfort to your busy job.
Weihai is a coastal garden city, which has beautiful natural sceneries, blue sea, soft sand and clean streets as well as small residential buildings with European and American style. Plants are cultivated around the building. There are a lot of statues on the street, which has a unique taste.
It has beautiful sceneries and pleasant climate here, with colorful tourist attractions and famous natural harbors. Red tiles, green trees, blue sea, blue sky are always the main theme of Qingdao. Long coastline, brilliant sunshine and blue sky, flirtatious cherry blossoms and lush plane trees, Qingdao Beers and small houses in fairy tales as well as elegant BA DA Guan and peaceful nights - all that constitute a romantic Qingdao.
Dalian is connected with the green mountains and blue sea. When you enter Dalian, you will be surprised to find the city is like a charming young girl. Yes. From an unknown small fishing village 102 years ago to a famous to a well-known vital city now, Dalian has become a garden-like coastal tourist destination.
Xiamen's clean and beautiful environment and high degree of security civilization will make you have a sense of warmth at home.
Zhuhai, which has first-class living environment, has won the "National Garden City", "National Environment Protection City", "National Health City", "Model City for Zoology", "China's outstanding tourist city" and "International Award for Best Practices to Improve the Living Environment” presented by United Nations Centre for Human Settlements.
Hangzhou is well known for its beautiful West Lake. The old saying" Paradise in Heaven; Suzhou and Hanzhou on earth" best expressed people’s heartfelt praise to the beautiful city through ages. Hangzhou, which has a long history of 2200 years, is one of China's seven ancient capitals and also has various culture relics.
Chengdu, the land of abundance, is a city with beautiful sceneries and pleasant climate. Meanwhile, it is a cultural city with history of more than two thousand years and left behind many historical sites.
Guilin is the world’s famous scenic tourist city with unique karst landform. The mountains soar above the horizon with varied types and poses, crystal-clear Lijiang River winds through mountains. There are holes in mountainous, in which odd rocks are everywhere, All of these proved the saying “Guilin scenery tops in the world.”
Suzhou is a famous historical and cultural city and tourist city. Its bridges, Old Streets and alleys, ancient towers and buildings and classic gardens and full-bodied Suzhou style, created a unique garden city.
Yangzhou is quiet city with pretty relax lifestyle. Yangzhou gets many antique buildings. Walking down the street, you could see rows of willows at any time.

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