Top Five Concealed Resorts in China

December 18,2008 Editor:kerry Lee|

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Multitudinous China's famous scenic sites can help you to experience the charm of China's beautiful resorts. But don’t you feel you miss something in your journey? If your answer is yes, that should be the feeling of stimulating and conquering. Therefore, exploring these resorts which receives a few people is meaningful.

Jiemazongyang glacier
If you travel in Xizang, why not go farther? It is attractive to research the source of a large river. The glacier originates from Jiemayangzongqu, the north of the Himalayas. It is 5590 meters high than the sea level, 116 square kilometers of the area is covered by the snow and ice. It is a amazing place, not far away is the mountain Gangrenboqi, the center of Buddhist.

It is like a heaven in the world. Covered by the snow and ice all of the year, it is the most mysterious place in Xizang. It is called the Xishuangbanna in plateau, the Jiangnan in the highest of the world, the lotus treasure for followers of religion to go on pilgrimage, and the last Shang-rila for visitors. You will feel romance and freedom when you keep close to it.

Baiyu temple
Located in the north of Baiyu County, Sichuan provine, it is a famous temple of Ningma style. It occupies the whole ill of the county, is seen as the cool heaven in the world. A continuous row of temples is incredible from general people’s eyes. The light in Baiyu temple is sepecial, which will make you flustered in the evening but open-minded in the morning.

Kanas Lake
The beautiful Kanas Lake is situated in a dark mountain, whose area is 10 times larger than Tianchi in Xinjiang. Quietly lying on the foot of the Aletai Mountain, it is the last place to be developed. Its splendid scenery as well as mysterious story makes people yearn for. The original forest, wood house, Tuwa tribe and monsters in the lake attract people come and visit.

Liuku County
Located in Nujiang autonomous state, Yunnan province, it is famous for Yuejin bridge hot spring. Bathing in the spring, you will sweep the exhausts away. It nears to biluo Snow Mountain in the east, Gaoligong Mountain in the west, is the capital city of Lili nationality autonomous state. Everybody coming here will commend it a pearl of Nu River.

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