Most Popular Tour Cities in Northeast China

December 18,2008 Editor:Kerry Lee|

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Although there are only three provinces in northeast China, each city is a representative of one style. You will not feel the cold of winter but boundless romance and fun here.
Although there are only three provinces in northeast China, each city is a representative of one style. You will not feel the cold of winter but boundless romance and fun here.
The scenery in Harbin is very good with four distinctive seasons. Harbin not only collected the history and culture of ethnic minorities in the north, but also integrated Chinese and foreign culture. Being regarded as the "Oriental Paris", Harbin has Western classical architecture and the Orthodox Church with unique style and the Catholic Church.
Dalian is surrounded by mountains and rivers with beautiful sceneries and pleasant climate. It is a popular tourist coastal city. Beside the sea, there are various gulf, scattered rocks and extraordinary landscape constituting elegant seaside scenery.
As the capital of Liaoning Province, Dalian will hold tourism activities with its unique characteristics each year, such as Shenyang Qing culture International Tourism Festival. You will have a chance to watch the ceremonial activities of royal palace of the Qing Dynasty. Top attractions in and around Shenyang are the Shenyang Imperial Palace, Zhaoling Tomb and Fuling Tomb.
Vestiges of the city's disgraceful past remain, mainly in the form of palace where the last Qing Emper of Puyi ruled the state as a puppet of the occupying Japanese.Changchun is an ideal winter tourist destination. The freezing cold weather has resulted in some of the finest ski resorts in China.
The world famous Mount Changbai lies in Baishan city. Mount Changbai has mystic virgin forest, wonderful scenery of ice and snow, marvelous cloud and fog, rare lava groups and vertical forest belt with vivid arrangement, and thus it forms many natural sceneries featured with the distinctive characteristics of Mount Changbai.
Mudanjiang City is “a land flows with milk and honey” of note in the north and enjoys a reputation as “The Jiangnan North of the Great Wall”. Mudanjiang City gains its name because Peony River runs through the downtown area. The city is surrounded by mountains in all sides, even in the central section, which is a natural basin.
Historical changes and social development have endowed Huludao a great number of cultural relics, historic spots and natural sights. The world famous Great Wall bridging water---Jiumenkou Great Wall, "the Second Beidaihe"---Xingcheng, and the relics of Jieshi Palace, an imperial palace for the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty and Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty on their inspection tours and expeditions to the east which is comparable to the imperial Palace of Beijing and the Great Wall in terms of archaeological values, all exist within Huludao area.

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