Seven Signs of a Good Translator in China

07,2007 Editor:at0086|

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Maybe selecting a good translator seems not simple to you, for you cannot speak another language and do not know their enough abilities in a short time. But if you got several time experiences, you will find that good translators have the following common features.
Maybe selecting a good translator in China seems not simple to you, for you cannot speak another language and do not know their enough abilities in a short time. But if you got several time experiences, you will find that good translators have the following common features. 
1. Good translators speak and write well.
They communicate with you in the way you would communicate with your colleagues and customers.
2. Good translators know where to find the information
Good translators know where to find the information they will need in order to provide an accurate translation, and have invested in other essential resources that enable them to work quickly and efficiently.
3. Good translators take their work and their customers seriously
Good translators take their work and their customers seriously, and present themselves in a businesslike manner. They are experienced and can provide professional credentials and references.
4. Good translators can give you an estimate
Good translators can give you an estimate of how long a job will take to translate, and how much it will cost (provided you let the translator know exactly what the job entails).
5. Good translators are versatile and eager to learn.
They are willing to invest time and energy in learning more about a new field.
6. Good translators are aware of their own capabilities and limitations.
They will not take on a job if they cannot do it completely, and will instead refer you to a colleague who can offer the best possible service.
7. Good translators ask questions.
This does not mean they are ignorant-it means they know when to consult you about concepts or terminology that only you can explain.

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