What Should You Talk about When First Meeting a Chinese Girl?

22,2009 Editor:AT0086.com| Resource:AT0086.com

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When first meeting a Chinese girl, are you a little nervous? What kind of topic can create a comfortable atmosphere? The following 5 points will guarantee you the second meeting chance.
The first impression will be very important. Before meeting, you must remember her name, because when you call a wrong name, the meet will be destroyed at once. Then, you can talk about your own characters and interests, like sports and travel. It will make your talk easier and relaxed. And do not tend to ask her some private matters. Try to be at ease. She will be happy to talk with you.
When talking about career, you may have a lot to say, like what kind of job and the development prospect and she will know more about you. A good job will not only make you confident, but also make her appreciate you. Besides, it is a guarantee of good life in the future. Of course, don’t talk more about yourself. You should communicate with her so that your talk can go on without troubles.
If you have lots of good friends, she will think that you are respected in many aspects, such as characters and knowledge. Besides, you must be a kind and tender person. She will know more about you and trust you more, because Chinese girl admire this kind of person as always.
It is an important topic. Your characters and achievements have a close relation with your family environment. A good family environment will make you more elegant. That will be observed from your talk and behavior. Besides, if you have good relations with your family members, she will think that you are bound to get along well with her family. Family’s harmony is the most important for Chinese girl.
Contact information
This is the most important thing you should talk about. If you don’t leave her contact information, then all the efforts will be wasted. Besides, with her phone number, you can contact with her every day and you will further know about each other. Maybe you can create a second meet chance. Chinese girls desire a marriage full of love and care, and only the details in ordinary life can show your true love and care.

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