Where Could Overseas Students Stay with RMB 800 a Month But Enjoy Qualified Edcuation?

17,2019 Editor:AT0086| Resource:AT0086.com

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In recent years, an increasing number of students have said that Liaoning University of Science and Technology is an ideal place for overseas study.

Why should they say so? Let’s see.


Firstly, the total cost of study aboard is comparatively affordable.

By contrast, tuition fee is around average. However, accommodation fee for double-bed room is RMB 3000 per semester, with air-condition, bathroom, internet, kitchen and laundry room all inclusive.


Moreover, the living cost in Liaoning comes down to RMB 800/Month. That is extremely economical because some of the cities like Beijing and Shanghai might be up to approximately RMB 3000/Month. Which means compare with study in those cities, you might save more than RMB 26000/Year.

Secondly, its teaching quality is recognized recommended by Chinese Government.

It is the transformation development pioneer university in Liaoning province.


Besides this,


Finely, with beautiful scenery and full equipped educational facilities, the campus is an extraordinarily suitable place for international students to live and study.




That’s probably why they use to say Liaoning University of Science and Technology is an ideal place for overseas study.


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